According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA), there were 4,595 fatal crashes involving motorcycles across the United States in 2009.
The use of motorcycle helmets approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT) decreased to 54 percent in 2010 from 67 percent in 2009, according to a National Occupant Protection Use Survey conducted by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Helmets are estimated to be 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcycle riders and 41 percent for motorcycle passengers. The NHTSA estimates that helmets saved the lives of 1,483 motorcyclists in 2009.
Motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to die in a traffic accident than a driver or passenger in a car. As a motorcyclist, you are at higher risk of fatality, injury, and discrimination in court. The lack of substantial protective barriers, as well as the difficulties other motorists may have in seeing or stopping for a motorcycle, leave riders prone to serious personal injury in the event of an accident. Know that you will be represented equally here at Sanchez & Piñon where we look out for your welfare when you are unable to.